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 CSS PROGRAMMING LANGAUGE                                                                     disadvantages CSS full form is cascade style sheets , which we call it says about how you should display the HTML elements on the screen. CSS tells us the style of the webpage let us take a simple example, if we build a home first we lay out the design that is known as the HTML language. Where the CSS means layout which means giving instructions on how the furniture should be nothing but the CSS. For example if we take PayPal we can see that the background color blue says the CSS background-color property. Netflix is also the best way of saying  CSS property, but if we remove it will be a normal webpage but with the red color and the black plus symbols it looks like the best webpage. Versions of CSS There are differen...



hyper link

  • HTML  stands for hypertext markup language this is the full form of HTML.
  • HTML is an important markup language for creating web pages.
  • If we see any website then click the link we go to another page which is known as the web page,
          combination of these web pages is known as a website.
  • It is known by the name html because it is used to make the content in it more presentable.
  • The first line of any html code is <!doctype> which is the most important step we could say.
  • Tin Berners Lee has created the HTML programming language, and version 4.0 has become the most popular one.

<title>page title</title>
  • <html> is the main element of the HTML page,<head> it contains the information of the HTML page.
  • <title> is also an element that specifies a title for an HTML page <body> element which contains the body like links, images, and headings.
  • And closing and opening this HTML tag is one of the main tasks </html>.


  • An element that will start with an opening tag, and closes with a closing tag is known as an HTML element.
  • In the above example of the basic program body it contains h1 tags which open with <h1> and close with </h1>.
  • That / denotes closing of a tag without a slash tells us that it's open.
  • In html element we have the void, which is nothing but the element that does not have an opening tag or closing tag.
  • An nested element means the element as a sub-element is said to be HTML nested


heading tags h1 to h6

  • There are different heading tags in HTML, we use HTML heading tags to make the text bigger or smaller to appear on the website.
  •  Based on the classification HTML headings are divided into six types.
  • <h1> hi</hi> ---------> the text appears bigger
  • <h2> hello</h2>----->comparitively somewhat smaller than h1.
  • <h3> lemon </h3>----->small than h2.
  • <h4> fruits </h4>
  • <h5> laptop <h5>
  • <h6> battery <h6>---->as we go till h6 text will seems to be very tiny.


  • The paragraph tag is used for getting a new paragraph after each line it is known as a paragraph tag.
  • This tag is useful for writing sentences in different lines it looks in a presentable way also.
  • We denote the paragraph tag with a small <p> and close it </p> this is the syntax.
  • Tag automatically adds blank lines after every paragraph this is the extra benefit of using this tag.
  • So the importance of paragraph tags is given more readability to the audience browsing the web page.
<p>the tomato is in red colour</p>
<p> One of the nutritious food for the body</p>
  • Here because of this paragraph tag we get a new paragraph in the above html code.
  • Break tag is used when we want a break between the lines in the paragraph it is known as break tag.
  •  Note:- this tag is denoted by br it doesn't have an open tag or close tag that why it is called an empty tag.

  • The difference between the paragraph and break tag are also dissimilarities first is paragraph does give a new paragraph after every new line.
  • Whereas the break tag gives a single line break after every line in the code, so most people say capital BR whether it is correct or not,  but that is also the correct way of defining it.
  • We can also use the horizontal line tag also for giving a line after every paragraph with the break tag this will add an extra feature.
<br> It is one of the most important things in the world that is water which occupies about 99 percent of the earth but only 1 percent of the water is left with fresh water rest all is salty water</br>


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