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 CSS PROGRAMMING LANGAUGE                                                                     disadvantages CSS full form is cascade style sheets , which we call it says about how you should display the HTML elements on the screen. CSS tells us the style of the webpage let us take a simple example, if we build a home first we lay out the design that is known as the HTML language. Where the CSS means layout which means giving instructions on how the furniture should be nothing but the CSS. For example if we take PayPal we can see that the background color blue says the CSS background-color property. Netflix is also the best way of saying  CSS property, but if we remove it will be a normal webpage but with the red color and the black plus symbols it looks like the best webpage. Versions of CSS There are differen...


SCALAR VARIABLE:-                                                       A  scalar variable is that which can hold only one value it is known as a scalar variable. For eg:- int a=10;                          a=30; DISADVANTAGES OF SCALAR VARIABLE :-      Whenever multiple data items are required to be in the computer memory and access those data items scalar variables have 2 limitations: increase code and performance problems. AGGREGATE VARIABLE:- A variable that can hold multiple values(data items) is known as an aggregate variable. WHAT IS AN ARRAY :- An array is an index-based collection of homogenous elements, the array is a collection of  (continuous) memory locations referred to by a common name that can hold multiple values. Is a subscripted variable that can...


  FLOW CONTROL STATEMENTS :-                                                         statements                                  A statement that controls the order of execution of other statements of the program is known as a flow control statement. Classified into two types, the  first one is the selection statement which is also known as the branching statement, other one is the iteration statement is called the loop statement.   SELECTION STATEMENTS(BRANCHING STATEMENTS) :- S imple if statement:-An if statement without an else statement is known as a simple if statement.                     Syntax :- if(condition)                       ...


  O PERATORS IN C                                                                  operators A n op erator is a symbol that acts on data items known as operands in order to process them.   for eg-   a+b   ( "a" and "b" are operands, and "+" is an operator ).               c-a     ( " c "&"a"  both are operands "-" operator ).    We can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc........ Operand and the operator plays a very important role in the programming language. CLASSIFICATION OF OPERATORS B ased number of operands operating upon, operators are classified into three types. Unary operators(operate upon single operand). Binary operators(operate upon two operands). Ternary operators(three operands). On the typ...


DATA TYPES different data types  D ata types in C specify the type of data that can be stored in computer memory and also specify the set of values and operations that can be applied to those values. It also specifies the type of data that can be returned, which is a collection of data with fixed values with meaning and characteristics. DIFFERENT DATA TYPES T here are different data types in the c language : The "int" data type is used to store integers, mostly non-decimal numbers for example,-34,56, etc. "Float" data type is used to store decimal numbers, for eg:- 345.6,5.6,34.5, etc. "char" is used to store characters(mostly an alphabet), for eg:-A, c, a, C, j. Now let us see how to write the syntax in a c program, the first step is  <data type>  which means the type of data that you want to store in the computer memory. We need to specify the second step. Which is to give the space and then say the name of the variable that is with which variabl...


C LANGUAGE C language compiler, C is one of the most popular languages in programming,  Dennis M.RITCHIE invented C programming in the year the 1970s,  C is a high-level programming language which means, its instructions are away from the understanding of the processor. There is a small difference between C language and C++ that is c does not provide object-oriented support. C++ gives class-based support(ORS) which means the same as the previous line in this blog. WHY LEARN C  LANGAUGE Learning C language and a compiler will be useful for coding. Especially for making a website with C language. If we learn C++ it will be useful for making a website. This means C language is only used for making a website but C++ is used for adding colors background colors etc. C language is one of the straightforward languages means easily understandable language. USES OF C LANGUAGE While the C language is used, in the creation of hardware devices.  It is also used in the OS, that ...